Why You So Obsessed with me?

Raindrops on roses, and whiskers on kittens. Just a coupla’ my favey things.
No, not really – although those things are pretty damn good. Kitten paws are much cuter than their whiskers though.


Here we are, another day in paradise. This week I’m trying to figure out what I actually enjoy doing.
There are things I do because I need to (work, cleaning, washing), things I like doing when I’m in the right mood (cooking, baking, exercise) and things I actually like doing, but really shouldn’t be doing (binge-watching TV shows, Insta-stalking celebrities).

After some thought, I figured that the best way I operate is in lists.
One of my favourite books growing up was this one.
Therefore, here is a little list of my current obsessions:

1. Mamamia Out Loud

Mamamia Out Loud

As I mentioned in my previous post, I am OBSESSED with this podcast. For the lovers of mamamia.com.au this podcast is hosted by Monique Bowley, with regular presenters Mia Freedman and Jamila Rizvi. I love it because it’s bunch of smart, aussie women who discuss anything and everything – and do not hold back! They talk about topics from politics to 50 Shades of Grey, and everything in between.
Check out ep 19, titled “Some people never masturbate” for a good giggle. Just watch out if you’re on public transport, I’ve stifled so many laughs in the past few weeks.

2. Lumosity

Gotta train dat brain. While I was away from work for a week or so, I began to realise how little I actually use my brain.
I’ve worked at the same place for 3 and a half years, and seem to work on autopilot these days. My memory is shocking, and my mental maths is even worse.

Solution: this amazing app. You get to play games and stimulate the ole noggin.
My favourite game is ‘train of thought’, and I’m not telling you any more in case you get a better score than me!

3. Medjool Dates


Cut in half, filled with peanut butter (delicious, I promise! Forget that they look like cockroaches!)
Andrew’s new favourite snack is crumpets, drizzled with honey. Winter is settling in alright!

4. Eleven Hours

I went to visit Lucy on Sunday, the poor love is recovering from ACL surgery. I brought her reading material and peanut butter oreos, and in return I stole this book.
I started it yesterday and I’ve already smashed through a third of it. They do not joke about it being a thriller, and I cannot wait to find out what happens next.

5. Yoga with Adriene


Yoga is helping me out in so many ways. My flexibility is improving, my muscles are loosening up and my mind is clearer.
I used to go to classes quite a bit, but they were always at inconvenient times and I’d end up skipping them for a more intense workout. Yoga with Adriene is a YouTube Channel created by this hilarious Texan chick, who is known to drop some “heyo”s or “y’all”s throughout her session.
I love being able to grab my mat and do some yoga at home, in the half an hour window I’ve got after exercise and before cooking dinner.
I started with the 30 days of Yoga program (I’m actually on my second round of it) which is great for setting a routine – plus, none of the videos are longer than 35 minutes.
She also has beginners tutorials and ‘foundations of yoga’ to help out with your form. If you’ve ever wanted to give yoga a try – start with this gal!

So I guess you could say this is what I like doing right now: reading, eating, yoga, listening to podcasts and playing games.

I’m thinking of making this a weekly update – I change my mind about things so often!
Stay tuned for more!


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